"Too Big"  was a national project meant to use the arts to spur a dialogue about the economy, access and opportunity.  Professors from four campuses across the country worked with their respective students to investigate attitudes towards the future (money, opportunity, education, etc.) Each campus created devised theatre (theatre/dance) works with their students out of the data collected through a variety of arts-based research methods.  Partners were: Celeste Miller (Grinnell College), Lesley Delmenico (Grinnell College), Lisa Brenner (Drew University), Evelyn Diaz-Cruz (University of San Diego), Mary Elizabeth Anderson (Wayne State University).

Out-Foxing the Wolf consisted of nine individual musings. We took our explorations into creating movement, image, and text metaphors for our views about the economy.  

The audience was invited to arrange their own order each night.  Below are five (of the nine) individual musings.  Choose your own order to watch them in!

"This is the story of Too Big Too Fail.

This is the story of the economy told through metaphors.  This is the story of you, Hansel & Gretel style, about to embark on a quest, journey, unsure of what brand of breadcrumbs are best for marking the way back home.  

Maybe 'back' is the wrong word, maybe just in general "home" whether that be the place to which you are headed after here, the place from which you came from before here, or the place you carry inside of yourself that ever was, ever will be, home. 

Of course there is a wolf and some cows. There is also a fox.  The wolf might be in sheep’s clothing.  Some pigs might huff and puff, and the fox will do its best.  A boy might cry "wolf" and Peter might disobey his grandfather.  One of these characters is a metaphor for Bernie Maddoff and his ilk.

Actually, this is not a story at all.

It's not "about", it just "is"

Hopefully, there are enough breadcrumbs that you can find your way home again"

choreo script available upon request

Photography by John Brady

Lighting Design by Tina Barrigan

Costume Design by Erin Howell-Girtsch

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